How to recover from disappointment faster

Disappointment can hit hard. You didn't get the outcome you'd worked and hoped for. You were treated disrespectfully. You believed that someone was a friend to you but they let you down. Or maybe you're disappointed in yourself. Whatever the source, disappointment can leave you with a sense of loss: what you believed to be true is gone. That loss can even feel like a betrayal. Staying with those feelings can make you bitter and cynical. You're no longer motivated to take a constructive approach because you can't believe in a positive outcome anymore. That starts a negative spiral where you set yourself up to get the bad outcomes you predict. At least things are as expected then. That is a terrible way to live. But it doesn't have to go that way. You can learn to make a different choice.

DP animation maker @desktoppaints

DP Animation Maker @desktoppaints

How do you recover faster from disappointment and keep cynicism at bay?

Take a moment to recognize your disappointment. Don't ignore it or push it away. It tells you that something valuable to you has been threatened, damaged or violated.

Stop wishing that things were different. They are as they are, and that is what you have to work with.

Re-evaluate what you want out of the situation as it is now.

Who or what can help you make this easier?

Decide what your next step can be towards that adjusted outcome. What will you do to move forward?

Take that step.

The sooner you recognise you feel disappointed, the quicker you can pick yourself up and choose to move forward.

Good luck with your process! If you'd like help with it I’m here for you.


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