Coming soon: Lead with impact - Manage yourself
I hope you've enjoyed the summer and you've managed to recharge. I know I have. But I have not spent the entire summer doing sweet nothing. I have used some of the quieter time to work on my new leadership course: "Lead with impact - Manage yourself", which I intend to run in the coming months. This will be a live, online, interactive (really, the more practical, the more useful it will be) course with a small group of like-minded leaders. It will have 4 workshops of 1.5 hour each, two weeks apart - so participants will complete it in 7 weeks.
My initial idea had been to focus on leading in tough times, but the more I developed the content, the more clearly I saw that that is a distraction. Times are definitely tough, no doubt about it, but what are you going to do about that? It is the context you are working within, not something it is within your power to change. The more interesting question is: what are the levers you do have to create your impact as a leader?
The challenges leaders bring to our coaching sessions vary, but they often have this in common: a sense of frustration or disappointment about the actions or lack of willingness to act of others, or with themselves at not being able to generate the desired action, willingness or understanding in others. Many initially hope I will give them the recipe for how to make these other people see things the same way they do, and all will be well. But they realize quite quickly that that is a losing battle: you cannot be spending all your time scheming to anticipate for every possible scenario and still have time to work on your own priorities and be there for your own team. There are simply too many variables.
Magic happens once they recognize that the many variables present as many opportunities. That when they are clear about their own priorities, others are potential partners, not competitors, not a threat. That if they keep a cool head, they can discern what holds potential in the fogginess of variables. Getting others' perspective helps sift and validate the potential.
The challenge, then, becomes more about how they can get that calm clarity, so they can see what matters, where there is potential alignment when making strategic choices, and how they can keep a cool head when others and headwinds rattle them along the way. Because execution is, in the end, everything. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, as the saying goes. It's what you actually manage to do in the moment that counts. That is what my course is all about.
I will be launching registrations for my course soon. Meanwhile, do spread the word to anyone who may be interested in this course. Thank you!
You can find me here if you'd like to find out more about my upcoming course.
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